Online Therapy in California for Personal Growth
You love therapy. It hurts good (like a killer workout class where you meet muscles you never knew existed), it leaves you feeling into your highest wisdom, and tops up your self-esteem.
You have done this work before, perhaps time and again, for different seasons of your life. And you have always walked away with some sort of personal growth that makes it all worthwhile.
Yes, personal growth is naturally baked into the therapeutic experience and is part of your desired outcome. So why would you be seeking therapy specifically for personal growth?
Maybe you don’t necessarily identify with a “problem” right now (do a freakin’ happy dance for that!) but you’re curious if therapy can help you maintain or foster your personal growth goals. It can. It most definitely, and wonderfully, can.

Perhaps what brought you here today was a nagging desire to understand yourself (even) better.
To reconnect with your strengths and what is working well in your life, and collaborate on strategies to help you achieve your personal and/or professional goals. Therapy that focuses on your personal growth is about supporting long-term sustainability of your mental wellness and relational health.
If you dream of being able to:
Tap into your self-esteem and sense of worthiness on a DIME
Have killer self-awareness that gives you unshakeable trust in your instincts
Fluently communicate and model your core values to others
Achieve a greater sense of purpose and direction in your life
I got you. Personal growth is my JAM. After all, it is what this therapy thing is alllll about in the first place.