Online Therapy in California for Relationship Issues

Let’s face it– relationships are fundamental to the health of your human experience.

So unless you plan on moving to a desert island (and dang it, even then you cannot escape the relationship to yourself!), chances are you have some version of relationships with other humans. Your romantic partner(s), family members, friends, neighbors and workplace teammates all count.

When something goes haywire between you and someone else (interpersonal conflict) in the form of things like:

  • Conflict & Communication Problems

  • Trust Issues

  • Intimacy Concerns

  • Major Life Transitions

  • Differing Values and/or Goals

Image of organic pattern symbolizing offering of online therapy for relationships in Los Angeles 90039, 91204, 90027, 90041, 91020

It can also set off a chain reaction of problems within yourself (intrapersonal conflict) such as:

  • Thought distortions

  • Identity Crisis

  • Values Conflict

  • Self-Esteem Issues

  • Unresolved Past Trauma

  • Overthinking & Worry

  • Existential Dread

Image of organic pattern symbolizing offering of online therapy for relationships in San Francisco, 94583, 94903, 94117, 95116

*AND vice versa! The problems you face intrapersonally can send your interpersonal relationships into a tailspin as well. Ugh.

It’s a lot. And it’s no wonder why you might find it easier to just slowly faze out a relationship rather than facing some of this hard stuff head on– especially when it comes to your non-romantic relationships, where the “breakup” territory is less defined.

Individual therapy can be an incredibly powerful space for untangling your part-of-a-relationship knot and sorting out if it’s time to let go, or lean in. You can absolutely work on many aspects of your relationship wellness whether or not the other people who are part of them are in the room with you.

Our work together will help you:

  • Learn tools for healthy communication 

  • Build your self-awareness 

  • Understand your patterns (and build out ways to break the cycles that do not serve you!)

  • Nurture your self-esteem

  • Get clear about your boundaries (which are your values, put to action)

Photo of Licensed Therapist Layne Baker smiling and gesturing with her hands to a virtual client over the computer

No matter what brings you to therapy, your relationships will undoubtedly make recurring appearances in some form. As your therapist, I will be with you every uncomfortable step of the way, shepherding you through the process of exploring them with safety, empathy and respect.