The Blog
When the Stakes are High: Understanding Anxiety as a Natural Response to Disaster
Anxiety can be a pretty misunderstood emotion with a bad rap sheet. But anxiety isn't the villain; it's a vital survival mechanism. It's the alarm bell that signals danger, the energy boost that prepares us to act, and the focus that helps us navigate a crisis. We need anxiety to help get us to safety. If you're experiencing anxiety because of a real, life-threatening situation, this post offers strategies to care for your emotional well-being while honoring your experience and using your anxiety as a protective force.
It’s the Most Boundaryless Time of the Year
Do family gatherings and holiday stress make your boundaries feel non-existent? You’re not alone. This guide explores why holiday dynamics make it tough to hold boundaries and offers practical, compassionate tips for setting limits that protect your peace and well-being. From identifying non-negotiables to handling pushback, learn how to navigate family expectations without sacrificing your mental health.
What is Interdependence? How Independence + Connection can be a Game Changer for your Relationship Health
Many people struggle with the misconception that they must choose between being completely self-sufficient to maintain their sense of independence or risk falling into the trap of total dependence on their partner. But there IS a position between these two poles, and it actually has a name! In fact, relationship health often thrives in this HOLY GRAIL of relationshipping: Interdependence.
Let’s Get Growing! Strategies for Achieving Personal Growth
Personal growth is a lifelong journey of self-improvement and self-discovery… not a box that you can simply check and move on (yay?). It involves continuously nurturing various aspects of your life, including emotional, intellectual, physical, and social well-being. And while you’re pretty much stuck with yourself, that does not mean you have to feel stuck. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some actionable strategies to promote your personal growth and evolution.
Mending a Friendship Misstep: Tips for Apologizing to a Friend
Apologies. Ugh. Most of us have a complicated relationship to making them, either because we overly-apologize too much or because we refuse to make them at all. Both ends of this extreme spectrum can wreak havoc on your friendships. But there is a sweet spot between the two not if, but WHEN, you f*ck up in a friendship and an apology is warranted.
Considering Friendship with an Ex? How to Make Your Right-Fit Decision
One of the most challenging decisions to make post-breakup is whether or not to stay friends with your ex. In fact, the very term "Ex" bakes in the implication that we are supposed to excommunicate or cut someone out of our lives. But this does not always have to be the case!
Don’t Overthink It! A Guide to Beating Decision Fatigue
If you identify as a high achiever, I can hedge a bet that you often get stuck in the trap of overthinking. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore five strategies to help you respond to your overthinking from a place of both empowerment and self-compassion.